Bonnie has always loved animals and they continue to be the focus of her life. She grew up with four dogs, four cats, six chickens, two ducks, a rabbit and a sheep. By the time she entered high school she finally convinced her parents to buy her a horse.
Her love for horses led her to learn as much as possible about working with them and teaching them in a kind, positive way. Bonnie says, "It is so rewarding to take a young horse, teach him first easy, then more complicated responses - all the time with his cooperation and desire to please because he loves the time and interaction with his person." For sixteen years she trained horses and taught people how to ride. Her goal was to teach people to love and respect horses and to become true horsemen.
Bonnie first heard of animal communication in 1996. Later, she learned that some Animal Communicators teach workshops so others can redevelop the natural ability they were born with. She studied Animal Communication with several of the most respected Communicators in the field: Penelope Smith: Advanced I Course, 1997, and Advanced III Course - for Instructors, 2000; Jeri Ryan: Basic Workshop 1997, Problem Solving Workshop, 1998, and Professional Animal Communicator Certification Program - Ten Day Intensive Course, 1999; Carol Gurney: Six Day Comprehensive Training Program, 1999; Teresa Wagner: Workshop of Healing, 1997; Sam Louie: Going Deeper I and II, 1997; Morgan Jurdan: Animal and Nature Communication, 1998.
As an Animal Communicator Bonnie would like to make a difference in two ways.
First, by assisting animals and their human friends to develop the understanding needed to resolve problems. This happens through private consultations by helping each learn what the other is thinking and feeling. She believes "far too many animals are given away, left at shelters or euthanized because of unresolved behavior problems."
Her second goal is to increase human awareness that telepathic communication with animals is possible. She is currently marketing a screenplay that she wrote about Animal Communication and her work with Keiko, the orca whale who starred in the movie, Free Willy. She has also written a book, Keiko Speaks: Keiko's True Story Based On His Communications With Bonnie Norton.
She hopes that her work helps to create reverence for all animals. Websters Dictionary defines reverence as honor and respect mixed with love and awe.